Give $30 and get $30

Go to your account page in the herd management interface and find your invitation link.

Share your invitation link with your friends and customers through email, social media, and add it to your website.

When a friend creates a subscription using your invitation code you’ll both get a $30 credit applied to your account.
1. An EasyKeeper subscriber will earn an account credit toward their subscription for inviting a friend to try EasyKeeper when:
a. The invited friend has not previously created an EasyKeeper Member Account; and,
b. The invited friend creates an EasyKeeper Member Account, and that Member Account complies with our Terms and Conditions of Use; and,
c. The invited friend starts an EasyKeeper subscription associated with such EasyKeeper Member Account upon completion of their trial, and includes their invitation code in the Promotion/Invitation Code field when starting the subscription; and,
d. They are on a paid EasyKeeper subscription plan, and their subscription is paid in full at the time the invited friend creates the subscription.
2. Account credits earned for inviting a friend to try EasyKeeper cannot be redeemed for cash.
3. Account credits earned for inviting a friend to try EasyKeeper will be held on account to be applied to a subsequent subscription if the referrer has a lapse in service after earning such account credits.
4. A subscriber’s unique invitation code and link can be found on their EasyKeeper account management page.
Not an EasyKeeper customer, but want to be? Visit the sign up page to start your complimentary 30 day trial today!